益昂半导体发布Nemo™系列芯片:万兆以太网技术革新车载通信网络 2024年5月8日,美国硅谷和中国南京,(BUSINESSWIRE)– 益昂半导体今天宣布进军汽车市场,并推出用于车载网络(IVN)的Nemo™系列芯片。Nemo™旨在提供端到端的车载网络解决方案,包含了MIPI CSI-2串行桥接芯片、CSI-2解串汇聚芯片、单/双端口万兆车载以太网PHY芯片和6端口的区域交换芯片。该系列芯片是全球首款集成了车载万兆PHY的交换芯片,以及全球功耗最低,可用于对称和非对称通信的10GBASE-T1 PHY芯片。这标志着Nemo™是迄今业界最完整的,最先进的基于IEEE 802.3ch标准设计的万兆以太网系列芯片。  近年来,以太网已成为汽车网络通信技术中的首选。采用基于该技术的区域电气/电子(E/E)架构能带来显著的网络性能提升及线缆重量的减轻,从而大幅节约整车成本。 然而,因目前市场上缺乏适用于传感器的高速,低功耗,具有成本竞争力的非对称以太网PHY解决方案,导致传感器通信链路无法搭上车载以太网,而是继续依赖私有标准的点对点SerDes技术。益昂半导体推出的Nemo™系列芯片将彻底改变这一格局。该系列芯片可以通过单对双绞线或同轴电缆传输长达15米距离实现10G/5G/2.5G速率的对称及非对称以太网通信。在传感器应用中的非对称通信场景下,NemoTM采用高效能以太网(EEE)技术来达到超低功耗系统要求。其中 AS30110以太网串行器在10Gbps有效带宽搭载高分辨率摄像头的场景下,整体功耗低于300mW,在5Gbps有效带宽模式下功耗低于200mW。AS30010/20单端口/双端口PHY芯片在对称万兆通信场景下每端口功耗不到800mW。 关于车载传感器的市场趋势, Yole Group汽车半导体高级技术与市场分析师Pierrick Boulay解释说:“随着先进驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)和全自动驾驶(FSD)的普及,包括摄像头、雷达和激光雷达在内的传感器市场预计将以每年14%的复合年增长率增长到2028年的270亿美元。”大量的车载传感器大幅提高了对车载网络的节点数量和带宽的要求,同时也带来了很大的系统成本压力,而车载以太网络传感器技术正是解决这些问题的关键。 车厂和一级供应商寻找的新一代车载网技术是基于开放标准的,具有可互联互通的多供应商生态系统的通信解决方案。将现有的各种IVN技术整合为一种归一化的协议可以极大缩短产品开发周期,提高设计质量并降低成本。IEEE802.3ch 正是这样的协议。益昂半导体首席执行官黄云腾博士表示:“以太网PHY曾被误认为在非对称摄像头链接应用上能耗效率不够好。然而恰恰相反,和市场上类似速率的串行器相比,我们的以太网摄像头解决方案实际上是功耗最低的。该串行芯片采用了紧凑的5mm x 5mm封装,并支持无参考时钟模式,从而更进一步降低了摄像头材料清单(BOM)成本。Nemo™系列芯片的推出标志着IVN演进道路上的一个重要里程碑。通过将多达几十个的汽车传感器端到端无缝集成到统一的以太网网络中,‘带轮子的移动数据中心’上的软件和硬件将得到极大的架构优化。这将为实现高智能、高可靠性以及价格经济的出行体验提供关键的技术突破。”  Nemo™系列芯片的主要特点:  • AS30110:总功耗低于300mW,是业界最低功耗的10Gbps 摄像头CSI-2加串器,同时支持15米同轴电缆。POC方案的材料清单成本低于同类产品50%。 • AS30240:内置时间敏感网络(TSN)功能的四端口聚合解串汇聚器。  • AS30010/20:单/双端口10GBASE-T1 PHY,大裕量超15m传输距离。在全双工对称模式下,每端口功耗低于800mW。  • AS30340:用于区域汇聚控制器的6端口以太网交换机。它带有4个集成的MGBASE-T1 PHY,总交换带宽40Gbps。  Nemo™系列芯片采用车规级生产工艺设计,符合AEC-Q100 2级和ISO26262 ASIL-B标准。 评估套件和样品已开始提供给特定客户,并将于5月21日至23日在底特律的AutoSens展会上展示端到端的实时演示。  有关Nemo™系列芯片及其如何改变车载网络的更多信息,请访问益昂半导体的网站. 
中国南京和美国圣塔克拉拉,2023年7月19日 --(BUSINESS WIRE)-- 益昂半导体 (www.aeonsemi.com) 是一家混合信号通信集成电路创新公司,今天宣布推出ChronoPHY™系列高性能、低延时的物理层以太网收发器。该产品适用于高速增长的宽带接入、数据中心、智能计算等应用市场。为满足现代网络的高带宽、低延时,同步性和可靠性需求,并推进实现新兴的实时协作、沉浸式增强现实和虚拟现实应用,ChronoPHY™采用了一种全新的架构设计。通过创新的DSP和时钟架构,这些收发器可以实现亚纳秒级网络同步精度和确定性,性能超过竞争解决方案的十倍以上。ChronoPHY™还集成了SyncE抖动滤波PLL功能,无需额外的外部元件,就可以使链路性能更加可靠以及信号完整性设计更加简单。   益昂半导体CEO黄云腾表示:“高分辨率视频传输、流媒体、游戏和增强现实/虚拟现实应用推动了对更快、更低延迟和更高确定性网络的需求。随着WiFi-6、WiFi-7和10G宽带接入进入家庭和企业,住宅和企业局域网基础设施正迅速升级以支持多千兆位能力。ChronoPHY™系列专门定位于加快部署这些高速网络,使便利性和效率提升能够覆盖更广泛的用户群体。”   ChronoPHY™系列是基于台积电先进工艺制程设计的,采用了高效的频域数字信号处理系统架构。这使得PHY可以实现行业领先的电缆传输距离和抗干扰能力,确保稳健可靠的性能。   ChronoPHY™系列符合IEEE802.3和IEEE1588标准,支持 -40摄氏度至+85摄氏度的工业温度范围内,提供封装为 7mm x 7mm BGA和11mm x 11mm BGA的单端口型号。样品和评估套件现已开始预定,批量生产将于2023年九月开始。   ChronoPHY™系列亮点: • 10GBase-T、5GBase-T、2.5GBase-T、1000Base-T和100Base-TX • 符合IEEE802.3an/802.3bz/802.3ab/802.3u标准 • IEEE1588精密网络同步及内置集成时钟功能 “ 1纳秒的PTP时间戳分辨率 50MHz或156.25MHz的灵活参考输入时钟 任意速率分数频率的SyncE输出时钟:25MHz至250MHz 满足无线基站应用的超低近端相噪的SyncE锁相环”
Aeonsemi Achieves Key Milestone of Its Arcadium Silicon Oscillator Products
Santa Clara, CA and Nanjing, China, Mar 31, 2023 – Aeonsemi, a leading provider of mixed-signal communications ICs, is proud to announce a significant milestone of its silicon oscillator technology. The company has successfully shipped over 10 million units of its Arcadium™  monolithic silicon oscillator products with zero defects, demonstrating the technology’s superior quality and reliability using mainstream CMOS IC supply chain. The products were shipped to customers representing a broad range of applications including broadband access, networking, data center and industrial. The volume shipment milestone achieved with these demanding customers marks the beginning of the technology’s adoption in a segment dominated by traditional quartz technology. The global oscillator market size is estimated to reach $4.0 billion by 2023 according to Marketsandmarkets. The current oscillator market is largely served by crystal-based oscillators, a technology that has remained stagnant for almost 100 years. Arcadium™ oscillators are pure CMOS oscillators that leverage advanced circuit innovations and compensation algorithms to achieve excellent phase jitter and frequency stability while providing greater reliability than their crystal-based counterparts. Furthermore, their wide range in frequency programmability and flexible output driver configuration allow customers to consolidate component libraries and streamline product development. "We are seeing just the beginning of this exciting silicon oscillator technology. Our customers love our ability to respond to their needs very quickly thanks to the simplified supply chain enabled by the technology." said Yunteng Huang, CEO of Aeonsemi." We are incredibly proud of reaching this significant milestone of shipping 10 million units without a single defect. It is a testimony for the range of benefits of silicon oscillators that we believe in."  Aeonsemi's achievement of zero defects not only showcases its manufacturing capabilities but also reinforces its position as a trusted partner in the industry. Customers can rely on Aeonsemi's silicon oscillator products to provide reliable timing and synchronization, enabling the seamless operation of their critical applications. As Aeonsemi continues to grow and expand its product offerings through continuous improvement and innovation, the company remains committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality and customer satisfaction. 
Aeonsemi Closes Series B Investment Round
Santa Clara, CA, May 3, 2021 – Aeonsemi, a leading provider of mixed-signal communications ICs, has completed its Series B investment round with a $25M investment led by IDG Capital and co-led by Susquehanna International Group (SIG). The round was oversubscribed with additional investors including Sequoia Capital and existing investor Walden International. Aeonsemi will use the newly injected capital to ramp up the production of its Arcadium™  silicon oscillators, and accelerate the development of its ChronoPHY™   technology to enter into Broadband Access and In-vehicle Networking markets. Driven in large part by global pandemic, the broadly adopted Work-From-Home (WFH) model has fueled a multi-year cycle of enterprise and business network infrastructure upgrades. Emerging applications such as real-time collaboration, immersive reality and augmented reality have raised the bar of network synchronization, latency, and reliability. “Aeonsemi™  is uniquely positioned to capitalize on the trend with its ChronoPHY™  technology which is architected from ground up to address the challenges to modernize the network.” said Yunteng Huang, CEO of Aeonsemi. “We are extremely excited and grateful to have received the strong endorsement from IDG, SIG and Sequoia Capital. We look forward to releasing our products in the near future to revolutionize the data network at homes, enterprises and in the cars.” 
中国南京和美国硅谷,2020年10月19日 – 数模混合信号通信芯片领域的创新企业益昂半导体(Aeonsemi,以下简称益昂)今日宣布推出其Arcadium™系列高性能全硅可编程振荡器。该产品系列实现了在超宽工业温度范围内频率稳定度优于±50 ppm,能产生10 kHz至350 MHz之间任意频率且相位抖动性能达到350 fs rms的时钟信号。Arcadium™振荡器是一款适用于服务器、AI处理器、网络接口、边缘计算、汽车电子以及广泛工业应用的理想时钟源。 据市场咨询机构联合市场研究(Allied Market Research)预测,全球振荡器市场规模在2022年将达到32亿美元。边缘计算及汽车电子应用的趋势表明,高可靠性和低成本振荡器的需求正在不断增长。当前的振荡器市场主要是由具有百年历史但有多方面技术局限的石英振荡器所垄断。Arcadium™振荡器是基于纯CMOS工艺,利用自主创新的先进电路和补偿算法来实现高性能的相位稳定性和频率稳定性,同时相比基于石英的同类产品可提供更高的可靠性。石英晶振需要的真空陶瓷封装基座一直以来被日系企业垄断,而Arcadium™振荡器只需要普通的塑封工艺,从而大大提高了供应链的灵活性和安全性。此外,高度灵活的频率和输出配置可以使客户大幅简化单元器件库并通过设计归一化显著提高产品研发效率。 益昂首席执行官黄云腾总结该产品特点时说道:“我们的团队通过技术创新从根本上解决了传统晶振产品在频点单一、功能固定、易高温失效、易震动失效、供货周期长等方面的局限性。跟业内其他产品不同,Arcadium™系列振荡器是基于单芯片的集成电路产品,其内部没有任何需要活动的机械部件!” 为适用于各种应用场景,Arcadium™系列有三种型号可供选择:1)AS5001——单频点振荡器;2)AS5002——多频点多配置振荡器,可通过控制引脚的方式从多达九组预烧录的配置中选择所需的输出频率及格式;3)AS5003——可编程频率振荡器,提供I2C接口灵活配置输出频率及格式并支持DCO模式。所有产品均支持LVDS、LVPECL、HCSL、CML、CMOS和双路CMOS等输出格式,并提供与3.2 x 2.5 mm和5.0 x 3.2 mm振荡器行业标准封装兼容的6引脚封装。
Aeonsemi Secures $10.95 Million in Series A Funding Led by Walden International and Eight Square Capital
Santa Clara, Calif., Feburary 26, 2019 – Aeonsemi Inc., a startup developing high-speed, low-latency physical interface ICs for computing networks, wireless infrastructure and automotive networking, today announced $10.95 million in an oversubscribed Series A round led by Walden International and Eight Square Capital. Founded in August 2018 by Yunteng Huang, Colin Weltin-Wu and Xi Chen, Aeonsemi has assembled a team of industry veterans who bring in decades of experience developing high-performance, innovative integrated circuit products from conception stage to mass production in datacom, telecom, wireless and IoT space. “The semiconductor industry has gone through a major consolidation phase in the past five years. Customers are now experiencing a slower pace in product innovation and a reduced level of engagement by chip suppliers. At the same time, exciting applications such as machine learning, automotive networking, and 5G infrastructure along with an insatiable bandwidth growth in datacenters are driving strong demand for a new breed of physical interface solutions.” said Dr. Yunteng Huang, CEO & Co-founder of Aeonsemi. “We founded our company to address the exciting opportunities in high performance mixed-signal and DSP centric products by leveraging recent advancements in electric, optical and packaging technologies.” “Aeonsemi has gathered a great team of technologists and industry veterans who understand how to solve tough engineering problems from system level down to transistor level. As electric links experience greater challenges beyond 100Gbps, a hybrid of optical and electric solutions is the answer to next generation high speed links.” said Dr. Hing Wong, Managing Director of Walden International. Aeonsemi will use the investment to grow its world-class team of designers, expand its operations overseas, and develop the first generation of products.